EXAT 2025 2025-05-28 2025-05-30 Arcrea Himeji, Japan (143-2, Kamiyacho, Himeji-city, Hyogo,670-0836) Technical Committee on Extremely Advanced Optical Transmission Technologies (EXAT) of the IEICE Communication Society (IEICE-CS) and National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) 8th International Symposium on Extremely Advanced Transmission Technologies (EXAT 2025) The premier meeting to discuss the current status and future trends of 3M (multi-core, multi-mode, multi-level modulation) technologies

Important Dates

Poster Abstract Submission Deadline: April 18 (Fri), 2025, 17:00 JST.

Acceptance Notification: End of April, 2025.


Welcome to the 8th International Symposium on Extremely Advanced Transmission Technologies (EXAT 2025). The objective of this symposium is to discuss the current status and future trends of 3M (multi-core, multi-mode. multi-level modulation) technologies. Plenary and invited speakers will give an overview of on-going SDM related research projects as well as an outlook towards the future of optical communications. Furthermore, an extensive poster session will also provide opportunities for discussions and information exchange on the latest hot research topics in this field.

About EXAT

The EXAT community in Japan initiated the development of SDM technology in 2008 and since then has been playing a leading role in the investigations of the so-called 3M (multi-core, multi-mode, and multilevel modulation) technologies. The scope of EXAT includes novel optical fibers, components, and transmission and node technologies for space-division-multiplexing (SDM). Since 2010, the EXAT committee has been organized as a technical committee of the Communication Society, the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (IEICE). For more details on the Technical Committee on Extremely Advanced Optical Transmission Technologies (EXAT) and its activities please visit the EXAT website.

EXAT 2025 is co-organized by the Technical Committee on Extremely Advanced Optical Transmission Technologies (EXAT) of the IEICE Communication Society (IEICE-CS) and National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT).

logos of EXAT and NICT